Thursday, July 05, 2007

"You Must Be the Change You Wish to See" Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was an amazing man who influenced millions by his actions. He is famous for many things, and this saying is one that I love and want to talk about.

This is from Wikipedia:
Mahatma Gandhi: (October 2, 1869January 30, 1948) was a major political and spiritual leader of India and the Indian independence movement. He was the pioneer of Satyagraha — the resistance of tyranny through mass civil disobedience, firmly founded upon ahimsa or total non-violence — which led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.

What does it mean to talk about "being the change" you wish to see? I'm thinking of two different examples to discuss:
1. Social Consciousness. So many talk about what is wrong with the world, what is wrong with this politician, that policy, this condition, that remedy. Gandhi's point is to stop TALKING and start DOING. You'll want to ask yourself, "What am I doing to affect the change I believe should take place? What actions, what organizations, what aternatives are you supporting or helping to invent?

2. Personal Development. Recently, I was coaching a woman who's frustrated with her success in relationships. She's getting bitter about men and the prospects of finding and being in a healthy, intimate relationship. I asked her to write down everything she wants her ideal mate to be. She wrote things like, "Funny, intelligent, caring, interested in me, supportive of my career, supportive of my interests, has a loving family, wants children and will take an active role, earns a good living...."

The list goes on, and it's a good list. These desirable traits are hard to find and should be respected and cherished.

I then asked my client, "Are you bringing all of these traits to the table? Are you funny, intelligent, interested in your mate's career and interests, willing to take an active role in raising the children, earning a good living.....etc?" She was shocked. What? I have to BE all of those things? No, that's too much work. I explained to her that if she wants to attract this ideal mate, she needs to be ready. He's going to recognize it in her and be attracted by those qualities, too. She must BE what she wishes to ATTRACT.

That's right. You cannot ask a person, an organization, an employer, a government, to give you something you're not willing to give back. And if they don't have it to give, you can be an example of the change you wish to see.

Gandhi was obviously considered a saint and most of us are not saints. But his words are full of meaning to many areas of our personal and social lives.

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