Sunday, June 03, 2007

Transitioning out of debt

Are you facing financial strain right now? Are you in debt or are you owed money? What about debt is part of your spiritual transition?

Someone I resepct greatly says that resentment and fear cause indebtedness because such an attitude causes the debt to be a burden. Money has a 'divine' flow and needs to be in circulation. You give, you get, you pass it on. Money becomes charged with the energy you put on it. If you begin to think of a burden the flow stops. When the flow of money and it's equivalent is halted, panic and resentment take over.

Look up and be provided for. Uplifted thinking, free of fear, resentment, and comdenation, is necessary to maintain a debt-free existence. When you live in discord and criticism money seems to be repelled and quickly dissipates.

Become harmonious in your thoughts and language and overcome indebtedness. The greatest barriers to freedom are fear and desperation. Focus on gratitude and send thoughts of financial wholeness to those you do business with or those you owe money to and you will be amazed at how quickly the debts are repaid.

Recently, someone owed my a fairly large sum of money for work I did. The company was in the process of raising capital and the accounts receivable got backed up. I turned to this idea to resist the fear: This debt exists because the two partners extended trust to each other. Trust is divine and it produces divine results when it's active. I am grateful for the trust that brought about the financial transaction in the first place. And that same trust which worked in the beginning can still work and bring forth the payment.

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