Friday, January 27, 2006

Oprah:James Frey, A Modern Morality Play

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica online, a morality play is an allegorical drama in which characters personify moral qualities (charity or vice) or moral abstractions (youth or death) and in which moral lessons are taught.
In today's culture - played out and endlessly analyzed in the 24-hour news cycle and the online arena - we are witnessing a 21st Century morality play firsthand. What are the moral lessons we're watching unfold? And who do you most identify with in this drama? Are you James Frey or Oprah? Does it matter that the truth is manipulated if the story is compelling? Some have emailed me, "What's the big deal...his book has helped people." Others are outraged. Where do you weigh in?
From a personal, professional, and spiritual growth standpoint, the DYNAMIC TRANSITIONING (tm) program emphasizes the power that comes from having built a firm foundation in your ability to weather any storm. Because, by defining WHO YOU ARE (Point #1 - KNOW THYSELF), you will have defined your own "morality" and self-truth and you will know what you're made of. Knowing what that means to you , in plain language, is a good exercise to undertake and revisit regularly.
The transition we're watching unfold is multi-faceted: James Frey's transition from "hero to goat"; Oprah's transition in re-gaining her (moral) footing in this situation; the publisher's transition from a "These things happen" stance to..."We'll be more vigilant in the future"; the public's transition from curiosity to introspection still being played out; and the underlying transitional question we're asking ourselves as a society - does the truth matter?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog is full of valuable info.

As to Frey, it is a big deal when I realized he concocted some imaginary program to use in lieu of AA. That is way to destructive and dangerous for me. A chronicle, fabricated or not, with healthy revovery can be valuable, but he went too far.

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog is full of valuable info.

As to Frey, it is a big deal when I realized he concocted some imaginary program to use in lieu of AA. That is way to destructive and dangerous for me. A chronicle, fabricated or not, with healthy revovery can be valuable, but he went too far.

3:01 PM  

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