Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Truth Will Set You Free

And so, at the end of the day, we see our society straining at every level with The Truth - what it means, why it's important, who's telling it (or not):
James Frey
Jack Abramoff
Cable News
Ken Lay / Jeff Skilling
President Bush
Somehow, we're all connected. What I know is that, "It starts with me". I need to be truthful in my life, my words, my work, my spirit. I need to be on a firm foundation to see me through the transitions - whether good or bad - that lay ahead. Even if it's hard, telling the truth is easier than the lies required to maintain what's false. We are a forgiving society - when asked. The lies may make me look bigger, better, stronger, but in the end it's the truth that sets me free.


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