Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mind-Body Connection

Taking care of yourself is critical to ensure a full life and to fill all the roles most of you take on throughout your life. You're a parent, worker, spouse, sibling, caregiver, friend, committee member, community participant, etc. You wear many hats. Your days are filled to the brim with activity, people, committments, work.

You must be healthy to bring your best self to each of these roles. You must be healthy to enjoy well-being in your life. Does that mean you 'can't' have a critical disease or ever get sick? No. Life happens. However, maintaining a physical, mental, and spiritual health is something you must pay attention to. Staying strong helps you weather any storm, any transition.

There is a mysterious effect of man's mind upon his body. Scientists tell us we are filled with super power - a deep power stored in each cell of the body. Thomas Edison went so far to state that his investigations had convinced him the human body is composed of trillions of atoms, each of which is a center of intelligence. You can activate this power, this intelligence by calling on it. Say, "I call on the power in every cell in my body to heal and self correct now."

Thich Nhat Han speaks about sending love to your organs..."I love my heart. My heart is working very hard for me, even when I'm sleeping. It carries all the nutrients through my bloodstream and pumps oxygen to keep me healthy and happy..."

You can bless your medicine. You can bless all the researchers and clinicans who get up early every day and go to work to find cures for diseases that you or someone you love may have. Bless them. Bless their discoveries. Bless the effort of millions of dollars and many thousands of people to help YOU

Whether you approach your health from a purely physical standpoint and/or add in the metaphysical aspect, I encourage you to increase your knowledge on how the mind affects the body. There are many, many books on this subject. Find them and read them and do what they suggest. Review your workout routine and make sure it serves you well.

Here's a helpful link to start with from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.



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