Saturday, February 03, 2007


Enthusiasm brings color, luster, and radiance to you and your life. It brings the sparkle that makes things seem brilliant, like the sparkle of a diamond.

You feel eager and interested in your life. It certainly feels better to wake up each day enthusiastic than not. It's fun to open your eyes and get excited about the day ahead. Enthusiasm can be infectious, also, and spark others into creative activity and excitement. This is all good.

Because enthusiasm produces great energy and releases adrenaline into your body, it can also go spinning out of control. Often enthusiasm seems to burn out as quickly as it comes. Why is this? It turns out that enthusiasm must be balanced with wisdom and serenity. Seems a little counter intuitive at first, but think about it. How many times have you gotten what seemed like a great idea, rushed around to make it happen, only to lose interest, or, worse, produce a mess of unfinished tasks?

A person working on spiritual development knows that enthusiasm produces a certain vitality that tempered with wisdom and serenity brings a lasting quality that is highly attractive to others. It causes the person to attract a higher quality of ideas, people, and opportunities into his life. This person radiates a magnetism that is irresistible.

You want to practice tuning into an enthusiasm that is not a loud, disorganized quality, but a steady and persistent power that gives you dominion and control. Enthusiasm is a great mind power that can often mean great changes in your thinking and way of life. You want to harness this mind power to help you keep going until the goal is reached and you have crossed the finish line. You want to have the endurance to produce completion. Enthusiasm will give you a certain vitality, sharpness of mind, and a special ability to achieve your heart's desires.

Focus on enthusiasm in your meditation. Let it well up inside you. Welcome the excitement and affirm the wisdom to balance it out. Commune with it and thank it for its great energy in your mind and body. If you feel depressed, call on this mind power to inspire you and relieve you of your weariness. You will find your body and mind respond to this "sparkle" and life seems exciting again!

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