Sunday, April 08, 2007

Your Transitions Hold a Message for You

Here we are in Spring - nature's transition from cold and dark to warm and bright. The first green appears on the trees, the chirpping of the birds, the longer days. We observe the cycles of human life as they are played out in the pristine beauty of the natural world and take the opportunity to receive a message from the transitions we're experiencing.

It's been said that if you are seraching for a healing in your body you can "ask" your malady what it needs you to learn. This is a fascinating idea to work with. It is a version of "the problem holds the solution". I believe this. The trick is to tune into the answer and not impose our hopes or wishes on what that answer will be. The truth will set you free but it can be tricky to get to the truth.

Dynamic Transitioning offers guidance for the journey we are on from both an internal and an external viewpoint to prepare to not only survive transitions but gain power, insight, and peace from your transitions.

What message does your current transition hold for you? Are you being held back and limited in some way? How does one overcome the negative experiences in life? Begin by literally asking yourself and the divine wisdom in your transition or situation "What is the truth about this situation?" Most of the time limitation is about a limited view. Begin to think of the world as expansive and big. Look at your opportunities as big. Look on the world as a beautiful place to live, work, love, grow, play. Affirm this, "My life can be as wonderful as I want it to be." You'll be delighted at how this simple, delightful way of thinking will remove limitation and negativity.

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