Thursday, August 02, 2007

UCLA Class August 4, 2007

Many of you know I teach at UCLA Extension. I teach Global Marketing and Strategy and will begin a new semester in the Fall, with a brand new class I've been working on over the summer.

I am also delighted to announce a 1 day seminar I'm giving along with Karl Kasca on Social Media. This is a huge topic right now - marketers are wondering, "Is this just a fad? Is it something here to stay? How do I learn more about it?"

That's what this one day seminar is designed to address. It's already got over 70 people signed up and we're going to have a great day. I've got a guest speaker lined up, and I was even asked to do a radio interview for about the subject.

Learn about Podcasts, YouTube, and Blogs in UCLA Extension's Upcoming One-Day Seminar

Is your company utilizing today's media to the best of its ability?
Explore the possibilities this summer with Social Media at UCLA.

Enrollment is underway for this upcoming one-day seminar, but there's still time to get more information and sign up.On August 4, join top marketers Beverly Macy and Karl Kasca as they lead you through the labyrinth of social media. Learn what it comprises, and more importantly, how you can use it.

Consider the numbers:

  • Over 100 million videos are downloaded from YouTube each day.
  • Technorati tracks over 50 million blogs.
  • There are over 110 million profiles on MySpace.

Learn how to positively use these new and extremely cost-effective communication tools to influence your firm's current and future marketing, advertising, and public relations strategies.

Social Media: Podcasts, YouTube, and Blogs—What They Are and How Corporations Can Use Them meets on Saturday, August 4, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, in Haines Hall, Room 118, on the UCLA campus. Social Media abstract picture

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