How to learn from mistakes
Many a suc
cess have been built upon an apparent failure. Everyone makes mistakes and many people beat themselves up over the mistakes of the past. Do you cling to your mistakes, hold them to you, clasp them in your arms? I want you to let them go and know that they were only misunderstood experiences which could still bring good.
Instead of of labeling those experiences as mistakes, rename them success and know that something good can still come from those experiences.
One way to handle apparent mistakes in your life is to give them the light touch. Instead of attacking your problems like a fierce winter storm, remind yourself that is the light touch of a warm spring breeze that dissipates the snow.
As long as you hold onto your mistakes, magnify them, and feed them with the attention of your thoughts, they will be with you and will continue to GROW in your life. Stop dramatizing your difficulties. Stop talking about them. Release them and take hold of your thinking. Deliberately think, "I cannot recapture the past, but I have right now and all the "right nows" ahead. This experience has come to teach me something good I need to know, so I accept the good from it and all else fades away."
Give your mistakes the light touch and look for the hidden kernel of "good" within what seemed a negative experience.

Instead of of labeling those experiences as mistakes, rename them success and know that something good can still come from those experiences.
One way to handle apparent mistakes in your life is to give them the light touch. Instead of attacking your problems like a fierce winter storm, remind yourself that is the light touch of a warm spring breeze that dissipates the snow.
As long as you hold onto your mistakes, magnify them, and feed them with the attention of your thoughts, they will be with you and will continue to GROW in your life. Stop dramatizing your difficulties. Stop talking about them. Release them and take hold of your thinking. Deliberately think, "I cannot recapture the past, but I have right now and all the "right nows" ahead. This experience has come to teach me something good I need to know, so I accept the good from it and all else fades away."
Give your mistakes the light touch and look for the hidden kernel of "good" within what seemed a negative experience.
Labels: Dynamic Transitioning, learn from mistakes, Success
Good for people to know.
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