Sunday, November 04, 2007

How the Law of Attraction Works

The Law of Attraction is one of the basic laws of the universe. You are constantly using it, whether you are aware of it or not. You are a magnetic field of mental influence. What you think about the most, you automatically pull, draw, and attract to you.

You may not realize this, but you attract into your mind, body, business affairs, and human relationships that which you secretly harbor...that which you LOVE and that which you fear, resent, criticize, or hate.

You do NOT attract what you consciously want so much as what you subconsciously are, according to your dominant thoughts and feelings.

So, if you give much thought to injustice, you attract unjust experiences to you. If you give much thought to financial strain and struggle, you attract those experiences to you.

What NOT to do: Stop picturing yourself as weak or misunderstood. Stop dramatizing your problems. You will always have problems to dramatize about! Do not take on the troubles of the world. To do so makes your life complex and destroys your good. Do not plan on trouble.

What to DO: Begin seeing the good you want. Practice quietly expecting it. See the best for yourself and those about you. See the best outcome for world troubles. Imagine world leaders shaking hands in harmony. See you work situation all worked out.

As you do this daily, successful results will begin to appear.



Blogger Unknown said...

There is a missing element here. The etheric energy we need to supply for the manifestation to work.

soul therapy now, online

5:40 PM  

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