Saturday, August 16, 2008

Rename it a Success

My spiritual advisor writes that the word "mistake" means "misunderstood", to take wrongly, to estimate incorrectly or a fault in interpretation.

Perhaps your mistakes are merely experiences which you have misunderstood. You called them mistakes because you didn't know how to interpret them correctly.

There are no mistakes. This is very important. You need to know there are only experiences which we have not understood so we gave them a false interpretation. Say to your mistakes, " Here is an experience that I have not understood, so I have labeled this experience incorrectly, I have falsely interpreted it by labeling it a 'mistake', but there are no mistakes."

Out of apparent failure comes success. Many a success has been built upon apparent failure. What has appeared to be a failure can still lead me to success -something good will come from this experience, so I rename it a SUCCESS.


Anonymous 神待ち said...


12:32 AM  
Anonymous モバゲー said...


11:32 PM  
Anonymous マイルチャンピオンシップ said...

マイルチャンピオンシップ予想 オッズに隠された秘密…現場スタッフによるデータ収集、さらに登録馬の血統に関しても徹底して分析済み!出走馬の調整、展開を完全に読む!関係者裏情報を独占公開!

10:29 PM  
Anonymous 阪神ジュベナイルフィリーズ 2010 said...

阪神ジュベナイルフィリーズ 2010 枠順から勝ち馬予想!オッズから分かる隠れた注目馬・・・過去の結果やデータから分かる誰もが驚く枠馬を大公開

1:51 AM  
Anonymous 出合い掲示板 said...

本当に出合える!出合い掲示板の決定版「LOVE-TREE BBS」へようこそ!友達を作りたい人や恋人募集中の人などが集まる当掲示板で理想のパートナーと愛の木を育ててみませんか?

1:09 AM  
Anonymous Hチェッカー said...


4:51 AM  
Anonymous 逆援助バイト said...


5:29 AM  

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