Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Consider the Possibilities

I love creative visualization techniques. If you have not done anything like this, I'm listing one of the classic books on this topic written by Shakti Gawain as a starting point for you to explore this fascinating concept.
Creative Visualitzation

What I want you to know it that you are using these techniques whether you know it or not. Surprised? Well, are you one who thinks, "I usually get a cold in the winter"; "My family lives long lives" things like that? This is a version of "Considering the Possibilities".

You are upicturing something into reality. So whether you use this technique for positive outcomes like thinking "I'm coming into large sums of money"; "I am healthy and happy"; or negative "The traffic's always bad here"; "There's never enough money" you are picturing - considering the possibilities.

Blue Sky Attitude – The art of the possible

Blue Sky Thinking is fun. It literally gives you a blank canvas and you do the rest. If you could do ANYTHING - what would it be? Who would you like to meet? What would you like to learn?

Blue sky thinking is also a practice. In business it may be about brainstorming, thinking outside of the box, etc. Companies find this useful – especially for team of engineers, project teams, new business process, etc. Teams are encouraged to think strategically and broadly – not just on today’s task. Blue sky thinking in this sense encourages creativity and innovation and asks members to embrace change. Here are 4 pillars I like to use with blue skying:

Questions -- Reframing problems to make sure you are solving the right one.

  • Metaphors -- Taking two different ideas, finding associations between them, and coming up with solutions or ideas from the exercise.
  • Visuals -- Looking at pictures that spark unexpected connections for the problem you're weighing.
  • Wishing -- Giving yourself license to wish for the impossible can sometimes create viable possibilities.


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