Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The climb you have made

As you look back on this past year you'll see that some have climbed and others have fallen.

Are you climbing the "ladder of success" at work? Are you climbing a rigorous spiritual mountain? Are you climbing out of an emotional abyss? Are you climbing a joyful, romantic mountain with a new love?
Whether it be professional, personal, spiritual, or are stronger for the climb you have made. Your spiritual muscles are strong and steady.

Whatever experiences you have had, whatever lessons the year has brought you, assess their value, release any mistakes, and pronounce the year GOOD. Even hard experiences help in your growth and strength, therefore they are good, too.

Think of the transitions you've passed through this year. You've grown older and you've watched others grow older. The aging transition is increasingly important to many. Or perhaps you attended a 10 or 20 year high school reunion and walked away reflecting not only on your transitions, but also the transitions of your peers. Or during the holidays, you looked around at your co-workers, your family members, your community and became aware of their transitions. Some have indeed climbed and some have fallen. Was your strength in reaching a helping hand to a climber below? All of this is good for reflection. See how these experiences have increased your tolerance and compassion.

How has this year's climb made you stronger?



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