Sunday, December 10, 2006

Write out your affirmations

Many of you are familiar with the power of affirmations and use them regularly. If not, try Creative Visualization as a thought starter.

Write out your affirmations
. It's a very powerful tool. Writing out affirmations helps fix firm in your mind how you wish things to be. And understanding the law of attraction helps you know that you attract what you think most about.

You can write one statement hundreds of times, or you can write your affirmations in list fashion.
Here are some favorite topics for affirmations:
  • financial prosperity
  • abundance
  • new relationships
  • bringing positive people and opportunity into your life
  • forgiveness
  • attracting business, new employment, etc.
  • health and well being
Try it today. Pick something you wish to happen in your life and write it down. Start with the words "I am....." and put your statement in the present tense.

Have fun with it and
be prepared for change because with affirmations things can manifest quickly.



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