Saturday, December 23, 2006

Make a list of what is RIGHT in your world

Did you know that what you give your attention to increases? That's right. Reciting your troubles, the problems at work, troubles with parenting, financial woes, health issues, only increases those troubles.

Recently, I was working with someone who started our session out by saying, "Here's my list of everything that's wrong in my life." She proceeded to elaborate on each item on her her husband just didn't give her the "spark" anymore; how others got a bigger raise at work; how her headaches had returned.

While there is a value to understanding the reality of a situation, it's a fine line between that and giving so much attention to troubles that they continue to increase.

Make a list of what's RIGHT in your world as well.
I suggested she make a list of what's RIGHT in her world and say "Thank You" for each RIGHT thing on the list. She agreed to focus on that list every day, saying Thank You and adding new things as she noticed them. Lo and behold, things began to get better.

It takes discipline to stop chronicling your troubles and focus on what's right. When you are tempted to talk about your laundry list of woes, find something that's RIGHT and say Thank You. Your life will improve. You will see that the RIGHT things increase.

Remember, there is potent power in your words. Focus on thanksgiving, praise, and gratitude and things will get better and better!



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