Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Your Divine Design

Plato said that, "Everything changes according to a divine design. We live in transition." People sometimes say to me, "I am transitioning in several ways in my life. I know it's important to use the tools you talk about, but I'm stuck at knowing what I want and who I am."

Perhaps you feel this way, too. How does one tune into the Divine Design of their life?
It turns out you can tap into your Divine Design by simply dwelling on it. You don't have to try to figure out what the ideas, opportunities, or events are to be. Direct your thoughts to your Divine Design and let it unfold and bring the people, places and things to you.

Your thoughts are the gateway to tapping into the invisible realms of the universe. Most of us let our thoughts float willy-nilly through our minds....and the sad truth is that those thoughts often turn to worry, doubt, and fear! You can just as easily direct your thoughts to hope, opportunity, clarity. It's your choice. There's a saying, "You can feed the white dog, or the black dog, of your mind."

Many people also strive for things or situations that are not right for them. When you ask for the next step in your Divine Design to unfold, you can also ask that everything and everybody who is NOT right for you fade from your life. When you do this, things will begin to shift. It's amazing.

So you must be prepared for transition and change when you focus on your Divine Design. You may find changes taking place in your life very quickly. Don't resist. Welcome the change and call it GOOD. You are being freed from an old cycle. This works in business also. There is a plan for your business or organization that you can focus on and it will begin to unfold. New business associaties and opportunities will appear, and business will flourish as it aligns with it's Divine Design.

If you are not sure of what you want to do with your life, begin to focus on your Divine Design. Know that the right people, opportunities, ideas, and events will come to you quickly.



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