Monday, January 01, 2007

Travelling the Road of Life

Welcome to the new year! I hope you accomplished all your goals in 2006. I hope you experienced happiness, prosperity, and peace in your travels. And what about the bumps in the road? You most likely experienced those as well. How did you do? How about the transitions that you faced during the year? Your children growing older, your parents growing older, considering a change in career, entering into a new romantic relationship. What transitions did you experience and how did you do?

It's important to remember that the outside of your life always mirrors the inside. I encourage the "inworking" tools because so many want a life of satisfaction, and yet come up short and don't know why. Two things: 1) Your thoughts preceed your actions and you do have control over both. You choose what you give your attention to and you choose how to react in any given situation; and 2) Life will throw you curve balls. You will find yourself in emergencies, sudden changes and transitions, sometimes life threatening to you or others around you.

Your thoughts and actions around these events are also controllable by you.
You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it and be open to the teachings of each event in your life - good and bad.

Dynamic Transitioning is about building a firm foundation based on simple life principles to enable you to weather any storm. Don't be a "leaf in the wind", floating willy-nilly through the events of your life, never sure of who you are, what you want, how to act. Instead, think of a strong oak tree that is firmly rooted in the ground. Those roots are long and deep and receive nourishment from within that enable the branches to reach to the sky.
I want you to be firmly rooted in a strong and stable foundation. I want you to know who you are, see yourself contributing to life, reaching your goals, giving back, and being true to your own values.

You're travelling a road that is all yours. Be good to yourself in order to become your best. Then give your "best self" to all areas of your life. Rise upward in your desires, your goals, your abilities. Help others rise up and be doubly fulfilled. If you want a meaningful life, you must do meaningful things.

Close the door on any mistakes or losses from last year. Take the gain. Be firmly rooted in strength and forge onward. See you on the road of life!



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