Monday, May 08, 2006

Brand Identity

I'm asked about applying the 7-Point program work in business. Let's take the Point 1 Know Thyself, the Power of YOU. Let's apply this to a brand where the You = Brand. Brands can go through transitions, just like anything else.
What defines the brand? Does the brand "know who it is"? Confident brands - Coke, Nike, Starbucks - know who they are, and who they aren't. These brands have solid identity worldwide. They have power. The companies have invested an enormous amount of time and money defining the brand and building equity in that definition.
Does your brand "Know Who It Is?" If not, you'll want to begin with a Brand Assessment process to determine the gaps both internally and externally. You'll want to begin internally - ask key employees to define the brand in their own words. This can be a very enlightening experience in that you'll get a number of different definitions. If that's the case, you've got your work cut out for you. Brand definition is the same as Know Thyself.
I'd be happy to share more of this with you. Please email me.


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