Sunday, August 06, 2006

"Nothing Succeeds Like Success"

"A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power." Brian Tracy
If you don't know who Brian Tracy is, you owe it to yourself to find out. I am a huge fan of sales and motivational speakers and Brian Tracy is one of the best.
The ability to "see clearly" as you look at your professional and personal goals takes practice. I combine Blackbelt Coaching with Dynamic Transitioning to help facilitate my clients see clearly. As a Blackbelt Coach I personally design a specialized regimen for each client to help develop and maintain their vision.
Attaining your vision requires many things. Today I'd like to put forward some thoughts on Confidence.
Confidence is the faith in one's innate abilities and talents and deep convictions. You must have self confidence to suceed. Have you looked around your workplace and wondered why some people advance to highly paid positoins while others, who have equal or better training, are not promoted? There many be many reasons for this but one thing is certain. Those who advance really believe in themselves and in their abilities. They sincerely do have those deep convictions.
Developing self confidence goes hand in hand with Point #3 - See Yourself Succeeding. You must see yourself in the winning positon in your vision. This is critical in developing and maintaining the clear vision Brian Tracy speaks about.
Here's a quick exercise for you to help practice self confidence. Starting tomorrow morning, begin paying attention to your "inner dialog" as you go about your day - you know, that voice that constantly comments on how you're doing? It just comes. And this constant dialog is often not very favorable to you.
The next day, I want you to write your own inner dialog. Fill your thoughts with words that release your self confidence. I CAN do this. I am well prepared and ready. This situation is going to go well for all concerned. Square your shoulders, take a deep breath and make positive statements about yourself and your situation.
People will try to discourage you. It's a given. This is the time to prove to yourself and others that you have what it take to follow through on your convictions. As you do, the tide turns, and your confidence is multiplied. There is a terrific saying, "Nothing succeeds like success." The good news is that the confidence of others in you also multiplies.


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