Monday, July 24, 2006

Peak Performance`

This weekend two amazing athletes made the news - Tiger Woods won the British Open and Floyd Landis won the Tour de France. Both of these athletes were at Peak Performance levels. After Tiger's last and winning shot, he teared up while hugging his caddy and later spoke about missing his father. It was very touching.
It made me think about the topic Peak Performance as it relates to Dynamic Transitioning. Take Tiger's example: Can you imagine the transition he must be going through? There are so many stories about their history and closeness throughout Tiger's youth and early competitive life. Tiger relied on his father for strength, guidance, focus. You could say that in the past Tiger's Peak Performance was contingent on his father's presence. Now he's transitioning to a new reality in his own Peak Performance.
What defines your Peak Performance? Can you visualize yourself in your Peak Performance zone? What attitudes, intensities, characteristics make up your "zone"? Write them down. Observe others, like the athletes mentioned above, in their Peak Performance zone and write down the characteristics you notice that might define their "peak performance" zone.
Peak Performance is required to be a Dynamic Transitioner. We never know when life is going to require more of us than we think possible.


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