Saturday, July 22, 2006


I love inspirational thinking - when I get that "Ah ha!" moment about something, or a special insight into a situation. I also love to be around inspirational people. I attend a class regularly that focuses on myth, religion, nature, science, art...very inspirational. I also have recently learned to meditate and find that my thinking is clearer as a result.
Inspiration in artistic composition refers to an irrational and unconscious burst of creativity. Literally, the word means "breathed upon," and it has its origins in both Hellenism and Hebraism in the west. In the earliest discussions of inspiration (in the works of Homer and Hesiod), the ritualistic and divine origins of the breath of a god are important. The oracle of Delphi, for example, as with other sibyls, received divine steam and fumes from a cave sacred to Apollo before she would prophecy. In Odyssey, 22. 347-8, a poet says that his songs were placed within his heart by the gods.
What inspires you? Who inspires you? Identifying and acknowledging those people. events, works of art, books, movies, teachers, friends, stories that have inspired you is time well spent.
And if you're "stuck" write out the word INSPIRATION in big letters and put it on your desk or mirror. Think about it. Identify it in your life. It's so important to be and feel inspired. It's rare and is truly a gift.
Finally - how do you inspire others? Because inspiration is so special, you'll want to consciously think about how you may pass the gift of inspiration on to others.


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