Thursday, September 14, 2006

What's Your Breakthrough Strategy?

What's your strategy to go to the next level? What's your "touchdown pass" that takes your leaps and bounds further than you ever expected to go?


Dynamic Transitioners know that outer results come after inner work. Goal setting takes place AFTER you know who you are, determine your vision, and can see yourself in the picture. You are then ready to Plan the Work / Work the Plan by setting the daily, monthly, yearly goals you want to accomplish. You are setting specific goals (I want to weigh 135lbs. by September 15; I will own my dream house (you have the details, even the floor plan) by January 1); and you are creating the mental picture of having that goal accomplished as well as what steps you need to take to get started.

I want you to also have a Breakthrough Strategy that catapaults you to the next level. Your Breakthrough Strategy includes big events like writing a bestseller, getting on Oprah, being invited to the White House, getting a better territory with a big bonus, moving in to your dream home next month.

What represents a major leap that will significantly increase your salary, your level of influence, your standing in the community? This is your Breakthrough Strategy. Write that down and carry it in your wallet or in your purse. Look at it every day.

There is fantastic power and vitality in your Breakthrough Strategy - you need only identify it and tap into it. You are equipped with talents and abilities which will lead to increased abundance, inner peace, and deep satisfaction. Claim it and enjoy it now!


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