Sunday, August 27, 2006

Blackbelt Coaching Tips

If you're looking to take your already hot career to the next level, you want to keep in mind some basics. Below is the first 4 points in the Dynamic Transitioning 7 point program I use as a basis for BLACKBELT COACHING:
1. Know Thyself - The Power of You.
You've GOT to know who you are as it relates to your career. Are you competitive, are you focused, are you lazy, are you a gossip, are you a leader, are you a hard worker, are you detailed, good with numbers, a big picture person? You've GOT to answer this basic question.
2. Consider the Possibilities - The Power of Blue Sky Thinking.
Imagine your career is a blank slate. Think of 3 positions you'd like to hold at your current level; or 3 positions you'd like to interview for as your next job. Think of 3 positions you'd LOVE to have that aren't even related to your current line of work. Write these down.
Imagine your office, your administrative assistant, your team. Imagine your new income, imagine your schedule, imagine your colleagues. Be as detailed as possible. Write it down.
3. See Yourself Succeeding - The Power of Visioning.
Put yourself in the picture! Imagine the offer letter for the your next job. Imagine the terms you want, the perks, the benefits. Imagine your office, your team, your colleagues. What does your day look like? What do you do from the moment you wake up until you get home? Write it down for all three positions.
4. Plan the Work and Work the Plan - The Power of Action.
Okay. You're ready to set tasks and make it happen. Write out your plan and then break it down into tasks you can do TODAY. Then add in next week, next month, etc.
Important in Dynamic Transitioning is that we DO NOT set goals right off. I can't tell you how many success seminars I've attended where the first thing everyone does is set goals. Those goals go out the window when the seminar is over. Why? Because the INNER WORK needs to be done before the OUTER RESULTS can be realized. You've got to know who you are and see yourself at the next level to get there. There's tons of room for flexibility along the way. Things seldom turn out exactly the way you see them, however, they usually come close.
Contact me for 1:1 Blackbelt Coaching at


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