Friday, October 27, 2006

Good Will

Transitions in our lives come expected and unexpected. The expected transitions could include moving to a new location, starting a family, getting an advanced degree. These transitions are planned and wanted, and yet they can produce the same stress and anxiety unexpected transitions might produce. You may find yourself wishing for a helping hand.

It's important to remember to adopt an attitude of impersonal good will before, during, and after your transition periods. If someone or something is "acting up" during the course of your day, sit quietly for a few minutes and think about the person or situation in question. Deliberately think thoughts of good will about them.
Why? Because YOU could experience breathtaking results. That's right. What you radiate out comes back to you tenfold.

When you begin to see all concerned as loving and understanding, you will be surprised how these very same people and events turn around before your very eyes! The power of radiating interest, approval, and good thoughts is immense and rewarding, and best of all, it works!
People respond to good will whether they know it's directed at them or not. Even offering a smile to a stranger is an act of good will. I've heard it said that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile. Put a smile on your face and in your voice, too. You'll love the effect!

It's so easy to find fault, to see the negative, but it just doesn't get YOU anywhere to do so. Looking for the positive helps you attract more positive into your own life.
Practice radiating out good will today. On the bus, in a line at the supermarket, in a restaurant, begin wishing the very best for everyone you see. Become the helping hand you desire. You'll be delighted with the results!

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