Saturday, November 18, 2006

Quiet transition produces good in your life

Sometimes transition appears as a lull in activity. I call this the "quiet transition". You're busy with your, family, interests, community service....and suddenly the pace seems to slow down. Resist thinking of this as indication that you're not on the right track. Instead, embrace this time as a message from the universe that you are lacking balance and welcome the rest. Quiet transitions contain a dynamic message for you.

When the pace slows down, this is the time for you to relax, and listen for the "still small voice" inside. Don't continue to rush around, trying to force the results you want. Instead, enjoy the peaceful rest period because quiet periods always proceed busy periods, so enjoy them while they last.

Don't doubt that this transition is bringing good into your life. A wise person said, "You should avoid fear of letting go of the lesser in order that the greater good may appear."

Listen to your indwelling guidence - your "inner teacher" - and follow through on its promptings. This could be the wisdom of the Universe speaking to you. When you meet these transition periods nonresistantly, your life becomes balanced, satisfying and productive of good. Your "cup runneth over".



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