Saturday, January 13, 2007

Golden Transformation

Alchemy is the ancient "magic" of transforming lead into gold. Is alchemy a real science? Probably more like an art. However, the analogy of transforming a "lead" being into a "golden" being permeates nearly all religions of the world. A gardener plants a seed and expects it to transform into a flower and it does. It seems like magic.

Dissatisfaction is the source of most transformational progress. That's right, you're so dissatisfied with the way things are, you'll do anything to force change. There is a restlessness, a discontent, a desire for better. Use your dissatisfaction for motivation, not self-pity. And remember, desire is the Universe's way of getting your attention to rise to your better self.

Seeking transformation is worthwhile and valuable. And it can seem like magic - to see yourself or those about you change, practically before your eyes. Many embark on a road of transformation and enlightenment as a way of self-improvement, self-knowledge; some are seeking financial transformation, business transformation, etc. Any journey that leads you onward is good.
True transformation has a spiritual basis. You must spiritually prepare for the "golden" transformation you desire.

First, you must "purify" your world. Clear out all the old ideas from your thinking and get rid of what you do not want or no longer need in your life. Also mentally forgive anyone you've held a grudge towards. You cannot become "golden" when harboring ill will towards others. In fact, make a list of all you want cleared out of your life and everyone you need to forgive.

Second, you must be open to inspiration and guidance. Tune into that "still small voice" within. Your intuition is finely tuned into the universal intelligence that is all around you. A "bright idea" is that intelligence entering your thinking. Open your mind to this channel, whether that's through meditation, prayer, exercise, contemplation, writing - whatever works for you.

Third, you must align yourself with "good". You must take the high road, do the right thing, give of yourself, look for ways to be must be a "golden" force in your world. Focus on what you "love" about your life, as love is a magical element that helps to speed up transformation. What do you "love" about your job, your finances, your spouse, your neighborhood, your country, your friends? Make a list of these things, also. It's fun and it works.

The Universe has golden secrets for you and your transformation. Clear your thinking, seek inspiration, and align with the "good" available and you can magically transform anything!

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