Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Fear of Success

Do you know anyone who is fearful of success? Do you have a fear of success?

It is amazing to me how many of us are in fact afraid to succeed. Some transitions you may face in life will actually be around SUCCEEDING. The Dynamic Transitioner understands that FEAR may be associated with succeeding. The Dynamic Transitioner has done foundation work on understanding their own fears - particularly this one - and can forge ahead with power through the transition because the fear will not slow them down.

It is true. Life asks much of capable, successful people. Your increase (increased money, increased lifestyle, increased fame) also means increased expectations, increased resonsibilities.

I do want you to think about a couple reasons you may fear success:
1. Success may increase my visibility
2. Success may alienate my friends...I'll be on another level or "rise too high"

I want you to think about these points...please post comments or email your thoughts to beverlymacy@gmail.com and we'll continue this discussion soon.


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