Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Giving Back

I've watched with interest the press conference yesterday with Warren Buffett and Bill and Melinda Gates in which Mr. Buffett gave over $37 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

I must say that I was impressed with much of the language I heard. I really enjoyed Melinda Gates and her grasp on the universal axiom "to whom much is given, much is expected". I liked hearing from Bill and Melinda how they view their responsibility in managing this vast wealth they've been entrusted with to do good for the impoverished of the world.

The 6th Point in the 7 Point Dynamic Transitioning program is all about giving back. For me, teaching Competitive Marketing and Strategy at UCLA is one way in which I give back professionally. I have also served on charity boards here in Los Angeles. And I make private donations as appropriate. It is important to give back where you've received.

I recommend you find ways in which to Give Back and do it now. Whether you have great wealth, like the Gates', and need to establish a Foundation or Family trust; or have modest wealth and should be looking for community opportunities for giving back; or you feel you have "nothing" and you need to kick the circulation in your life by giving something, no matter how small, get busy. There's no time like the present to tackle this area of your professional, personal, and/or spiritual life. Don't wait another minute....seek ways to give back and you will have an intuitive knowing of what to do.

6. Giving Back
The power of GIVING. Nothing is more rewarding than giving back. Nothing hurries RECEIVING as rapidly as giving. The universal law is that what you give you get back tenfold. If you want a meaningful life you must do meaningful things. How to give back personally. How to give back professionally. What is your social responsibility? Get involved. Put the power of increase to work for you.


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