Sunday, May 28, 2006

Guidelines and Outlines

A friend was recently relaying an experience she had with a transition in her life. She made an interesting comment during our conversation. She said she was searching for "guidelines and outlines" on how to get through tough times. Dynamic Transitioning offers a 7 point outline on getting through transitions that are sprung upon us as well as those we initiate ourselves. What about guidelines? Here are two simple spiritual guidelines you might find helpful:

1. Begin each day with a blessing. Did you know that you are bound to what you curse with ties stronger than steel? When you "hate" something it occupies your mind, body and spirit as a poison. A good antidote to that is to give a blessing treatment to the day in front of you. Bless everyone you meet, bless the traffic, bless your boss, bless your surroundings, bless the planet. Make it a game. See how many things you can bless in one day. Go through your phone book or email address list and bless each name in the book. It may not make a difference in their lives but it will definitely begin to change your life.

2. Greet everyone with a smile.
When was the last time you smiled at the grocery store clerk, or the waitress in a restaurant, or a passerby? When you walk into a room isn't it nice to be greeted by a smiling face? Give the gift of your smile to those who least expect it.
Don't be a leaf in the wind tossed willy-nilly about by the transitions in your life. Find power in these simple guidelines and make them part of your foundation.


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