Saturday, July 08, 2006

Are You Dynamic?

I'm often asked what dynamic means in Dynamic Transitioning. Here's part of the definition from the online dictionary: Characterized by continuous change, activity, or progress: a dynamic market. Marked by intensity and vigor; forceful."
Many of you would like to be considered dynamic but do not have a clear idea of what that really means to you. Intensity and vigor does not mean aggressiveness. I like to define dynamic as vigorous change. In Dynamic Transitioning the work dynamic refers to a process rather than a person.
I was reading Emmet Fox today and came across his definition of a dynamic person and it gave me food for thought. He says, "A dynamic person is a person who really makes a difference in the world; who does something that changes things or people. The magnitude of the work done may not be very great, but the fact still remains that the world is a little different because that person has lived and worked. That is a dynamic person."
Interesting, isn't it? Thinking about dynamic as adding change that makes the larger whole better. He goes on to say that if you really get something done that positively changes other things or people, no matter how small, you are dynamic and the world is better because you lived in it.
I will challenge you with this: Instead of thinking what you're getting from life; ask yourself what you're contributing to life around you. What have you done lately that positively affects your family, community, country? How have you made someone else's life better because you were involved?
Start a Dynamic Journal. Keep track of the dynamic things you do to in a day, or a week, or a month. Share some of those things with others in the Dynamic Transitioning community by posting comments.
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