Friday, July 07, 2006

Consider the Possibilities

Lesson 2 of the 7 Point program is: Consider the Possibilities - The power of BLUE SKY.
How do you become aware and follow your passion? What IS your passion? A senior level business executive I work with emailed me his plans for vacation this year: "I'll be hiking part of the Inca Trail to Macha Picchu, then a week in the Amazon head waters". Sounds incredible to me. I admire this executive who is always considering the possibilities in both his work and personal life.
Being practical, logical, accountable are all necessary attributes for the Dynamic Transitioner. Whether in your personal, professional, or spiritual life, you absolutely must have your feet firmly planted on the ground. Too much is at stake to NOT take this approach. You've worked hard to get this certainly don't want to take any chances.
Or do you? If you never extend yourself, you'll begin to feel STUCK. And you may get that old familiar, "Is this all there is?" feeling haunting you. When people feel stuck they make desperate and foolish decisions. The need to break the monotony gets so compelling you'll do ANYTHING to change it up.
There is a human desire to Consider the Possibilities. This is what creates inventions, breakthroughs, new thinking. What if Thomas Edison said, "Don't think I'll pursue electricity anymore...too risky. We're just fine with gas lamps, etc." What if we were still riding horses because no one wanted to risk inventing the automobile. We could go on and on.
In Dynamic Transitioning we MUST Consider the Possibilities. You are constantly transforming your sense of what's possible and your vision for your life. Imagining what COULD BE is a skill you must refine. In business we call this Scenario Planning. We outline Scenario A, B, C and plan appropriate responses to each.
In Dynamic Transitioning we call it the Power of Blue Sky. Remember being a child and lying on a green pasture looking up into the blue sky? Picking out animal shapes in the clouds? Day dreaming?It was time to create the world the way you wanted it to be. Everything seemed possible! We want to recreate that spirit as an adult.
Let's also consider the Law of Attraction which essentially says that we attract whatever we choose to give our attention to--whether wanted or unwanted. It's as if you're a huge magnet and whatever you give your attention to is drawn to you. Consider the Possibilities helps us begin to give attention to that which we want in life. Getting clear about what we are passionate about requires practice for most of us. Sure, some people know EXACTLY what they want ("I'm going to be a doctor, I'm going into politics, I'm going to be a stay-at-home mom"). But most of us of need help in stretching, dreaming and reaching.
Contact me at and let's talk about how to put this to work for you.
Is ____________ (you fill in the blank) possible? You bet! Anything and everything is possible. Fly a plane, go to the moon, cure polio, climb a mountain, change a career, get married, have a family, etc. Let's get started!


Blogger riveron said...

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11:59 AM  

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