Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A Devil Wore Prada Boss

Ken Lay, founder of Enron, was found dead today in Aspen, Colorado. When I heard the news, I began wondering about all the wreckage he left in his path....the destroyed lives of workers and investors, etc. Literally thousands of peoples lives have been affected by his bad actions.
That led me to consider the Boss from Hell topic I've been focusing on related to Blackbelt Coaching. Do you have a Devil Wore Prada boss? Are you experiencing sleepless Sunday nights? Are you afraid to leave you desk to go to the restroom because your boss might walk by and see your empty chair and you'll have hell to pay later? Do you find out about "mandatory" meetings after the fact?
I can help you take your power back without resorting to the lowest common denominator. It's not easy and it's not quick but you can win.
Here's an interesting factoid: "A Gallup report is equally blunt about this, “Employees leave their supervisors, not companies.” This is the number one reason people leave a company, more than compensation or work hours."
At the same time, recruiters talk about the War for Talent. Companies might recruit the talent but what are they doing to keep the talent? Apparently, not much. Nearly 50% of all workers have "shaky" relationships with co-workers and supervisors.
I hope you're talking this out with someone. The worst thing you can do is let it fester inside your head. It is literally poison. Plus the solutions you're likely to come up with in a vacuum are NOT powerful. They may even be dangerous to you. I'm offering you a FREE 1/2 hour of phone consulting time to discuss your best options. I hope you'll email me and get some relief.


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