Sunday, July 09, 2006

Perception is Reality

If you're in business, you've heard this before. Perception is reality. Make no mistake about it. Do you know how your customers are perceiving your brand? Your products?

AOL recently got a wake up call on perception is reality when their customer service gaffe was made globally public because the customer taped the whole thing. Listen here. No matter what they MEANT to convey, the new reality is that AOL is sneaky and lowdown with customers. So the perception is now the customer's reality.

Your boss and your co-workers have a perception about you. And that perception is their reality. Do you know how they see you? If you are currently dealing with a Boss From Hell, you'd better be in some deep soul searching right now about how you are viewed.

Because the good news is, you can change perception. You can change your own perception, you can change your customer's perceptions and you can change the perception others have of you.

Sound too good to be true? I didn't say it was EASY, but it can be done.
Blackbelt Coaching gets down to brass tacks on this issue. Whether my client is a product, a brand, or an individual, our first step is a Perception Awareness Evaluation. We'll take a hard and often brutal look at reality as others see it.

This is NOT for the weak at heart. My style is not coddle you and be your cheerleader. My job is to help you get results.
email me at to get started.

I'll give you a 1/2 hour FREE session to get the ball rolling. I'll be honest with you..if I can't help you, I'll say so. I'll try to refer you to someone who can help you.
If I CAN help you, we'll get started on a rigorous training session that is guaranteed to get results.

Some of you have a personal trainer at the gym. The trainers who get the most results with their clients drive them pretty hard. That's the way Blackbelt Coaching is. We get disciplined and put you on a program that will get you back on track or take you to the next level, whichever you're looking to do. I look forward to working with you!


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