Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Positive Spin on Difficult Moments

"We've been through a lot so far. We're still keeping our head above water at this point. The second half of the year is going to be even more challenging, but we're looking forward to it. It's good for us to go through what we've been through. What doesn't break you makes you strong."
This is the kind of attitude you want to have in the face of any difficulty. This is a statement I made years ago to a sales team I was working with in business. I remember it because someone I admire, someone who mentored me made the quote first regarding something he was facing. I was so impressed at how he kept his composure in a difficult situation and was able to talk about becomming stronger through adversity that I wrote the quote down and have used it over the years.
Transitions can be brought about by adversity. It's so easy to sink in to the self-pity talk track...why does this happen to me? etc. Putting a positive spin on difficult moments is an art. Like me, it may not come naturally to you and you may need to find examples you can draw upon.
I want to you look and listen for the next 30 days for examples of people you admire putting a positive spin on a difficult moment. Share it with others. Adopt the attitude of CAN DO instead of CAN'T.


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