Wednesday, August 09, 2006

What does work mean to you?

What are your attitudes about work - the workplace, co-workers, the money you earn, the service you provide?

A few years ago American workers were doing nothing but complaining about the conditions of their workplace - and lo and behold, their jobs went overseas! Nothing more to complain about if you don't have a job. I've worked with a few clients who were early "victims" of outsourcing....the transition into something else was not easy.

Dynamic Transitioners know that I am a big believer in "It begins with the individual". A lesson learned from those facing transition because of outsourcing is that the individual absolutely cannot affect what goes on outside their sphere of influence. The individual can only control and maintain their attitude and actions.

It takes discipline to maintain good attitudes and reactions. It starts with your outlook. Many times, that outlook is all wrong. If you are resenting everything at the workplace you may be poisoning yourself with that bitterness. People on the bottom of the ladder are happy to explain how others have kept them down.

It takes mental effort to be free from a negative rut. If you are not satisfied with your present situation, what are you doing to prepare yourself for better circumstances? Are you willing to spend your leisure time attending classes and lectures, reading, studying? The reason most people move ahead is because they plan for it. They have a goal in mind and they strive for that goal. They ARE willing to spend the time necessary to move ahead, instead of spending their free time tearing down others and blaming others for their lot in life.

You may be your own worst enemy with your negative ideas. It is important to pay attention to that inner dialog and begin to reprogram it. You can succeed. You do have what it takes. Today is a good day to start turning the tide at work. Stop running others down and do something TODAY to improve yourself. A little goes along way.


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