Saturday, August 12, 2006

Imagination Rules The World

Did you know this quote comes from Napoleon? Or this quote, "Imagination is more important that knowledge", from Einstein?

It is true that you become what you imagine yourself to be. Imagination is one of the the most wondrous parts of the human mind. Think of life without imagination. All great inventions - the light bulb, the sewing needle, the steam engine, great architecture, computers, cell phones, all began in someone's imagination. Michelangelo was presented with a block of marble and envisioned David. He was given a ceiling in the Vatican and envisioned the Sistine Chapel. The power of the imagination is truly awesome.

There is a designer, an architect, a weaver within each of us that takes the fabric of the mind, thoughts, images, feelings and beliefs and molds them into the pattern of life. We think in mental pictures. Right now, think of your mother. You can picture her perfectly in your minds eye. If you're planning to get married, you have your wedding day perfectly pictured in your mind. The images appeared in your mind as if from nowhere, and yet, we can call them up instantly.

You are always imagining - whether destructively or constructively. Worry is imagination at it's most negative. Imagining the worst possible outcome is putting this awesome power to work in non productive ways. It takes discipline to move away from the worry and into the wonder of the imagination. Using what Catherine Ponder calls the "Picturing Power of the Mind" is exciting and powerful. Dynamic Transitioners are tuning into this awesome power in Points 2 and 3 - Consider the Possibilities - the power of BLUE SKY; and See Yourself Succeeding, the power of VISIONING. I ask that you begin to pay attention to this inner picturing life.

Whether you know it our not, you are using it constantly. You CAN control these images. You just brought up the image of your mother and a wedding day with no problem. You can apply this to imagining a bigger business, a larger house, the perfect relationship, running the race, having healthy children.
Begin today to imagine health, wealth, love, happiness for yourself and all those around you. Return to these mental pictures at intervals during the day. Make this a deep impression on your mind. This sustained mental picture becomes manifest.

Begin now the transition from worry to wonder.


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