Thursday, March 23, 2006

7 Point Program

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Lesson 1. Know Thyself
The power of YOU. Who are you? What makes you happy? What makes you “light up”? In order to build a foundation you must understand the importance of knowing yourself. This is your life. Take the time to know your limits and boundaries. What would you do if you didn’t have to worry about money? How would you spend your time?

Lesson 2. Consider the Possibilities
The power of BLUE SKY. Do you have an open mind? Oh, really…. Consider this: the power of dreaming, stretching, and reaching. How to get definite about your possibilities. The law of attraction. The power of possibility. Is ____________ (you fill in the blank) possible? You bet! Anything and everything is possible. Fly a plane, go to the moon, cure polio, climb a mountain, change a career, get married, have a family, etc.

Lesson 3. See Yourself Succeeding
The power of VISIONING. Close your eyes. Picture your world the way you want it to be. What do you see, taste, smell, and hear? Who else is there? What are they doing? Now put yourself in the picture. See yourself closing the deal, signing payroll checks, trying on bride’s dresses, going to little league games, opening a business, getting applause from a group of your peers.

Lesson 4. Plan the Work and Work the Plan

The power of ACTION. Enough of this “visioning” stuff – let’s DO something! Take the first thing on your Possibilities List and ask yourself, “What can I do today to move towards this picture of success?” Make a phone call? Write a business plan? Visit someone? Get into ACTION. GO DO IT.

Lesson 5. Practice Flexibility

The power of RECALIBRATING. So, it doesn’t look exactly like the picture – you ended up starting a nursery school instead of a private boy’s school…OK, so what now? Sometimes growth and change come in unforeseen ways – many times even better than we expected. When the forces of the Universe guide us in a slightly different direction, don’t resist. There is power in going with the flow.

Lesson 6. Giving Back
The power of GIVING. Nothing is more rewarding than giving back. Nothing hurries RECEIVING as rapidly as giving. The universal law is that what you give you get back tenfold. If you want a meaningful life you must do meaningful things. How to give back personally. How to give back professionally. What is your social responsibility? Get involved. Put the power of increase to work for you.

Lesson 7. To Thy Own Self Be True
The power of SELF TRUTH. We come full circle. We started with knowing yourself – you cannot be true to yourself if you don’t know who you are. Your integrity has been defined through this journey. Your value is clear. You want a purposeful life. A LIFE FULL OF PURPOSE. A design for living. Be true to your values, religion or spiritual practice. Be true to your family and friends. Be true to your professional ethics. Be true to your purpose. Be true to your possibilities. Be true to your social responsibilities. Be true to your financial well-being.


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