Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Face Reality

I offer Blackbelt Coaching to businesses and individuals. One of my clients recently called to say, "You saved my life! I followed through with your advice and it worked! My boss is off my back and things are so much better at work." He was amazed and relieved. Now that this fire is out, and he has beat back the boss from hell, we can get busy mapping out his career.

This client may be like you. He's a very smart, well educated, and happily married man who is a rising star in his profession. Suddenly, he felt he got ambushed by a senior executive and his career started heading for disaster. This executive was the quintessential "boss from hell", alright. Sneaky, mean-spirited, jealous, name it, he faced it. We had our work cut out for us. The first step I had to take was not get to the heart of the problem. This is a fact-finding and fact-facing process. But once it's done, we can get busy.

My client got results because he was able to face reality. A key portion of the Blackbelt Coaching process is facing reality and you can't believe the courage it takes to see your own situation for what it is, and not what you'd like it to be. This is where we start - the truth, warts and all. Think of it this way, there's no place to go but UP from here!

If you're looking for sugarcoated BS in the coaching department - in other words a cheerleader and not a coach - I can't help you. You sought out the help of a career coach because you're in crises and transition. That's what I'm here for. You are in the fight of your professional life. You're on the brink. We've got work to do and we start by Facing Reality. Like my client above, you'll thank me later.