Friday, September 22, 2006

Preparation and Balance

Do you have the balance you want among work, family, and recreation in your life? Part of transitioning - whether it is a transition you planned or one you find thrust upon you - is preparation. You've got to be prepared in order to live a balanced life and transition dynamically.

Preparation includes a number of things. You might take a seminar to improve your sales or management skills. You might spend a day reading and researching something that contributes to a project you're working on. You might attend an industry or professional convention. You might take a class in meditation or yoga.

In what ways are you preparing yourself for the next transition to better and higher success in your life?

Here's a fun task: Pretend you can go anywhere in the world for a 2 week vacation. Money is no object. In fact, pretend you've got an unlimited budget for this vacation. You can go first class all the way.

Where would you go? Who would you take with you? Do some research on the Internet on this Dream Vaction -- whether it's an African Safari, a luxury cruise, a trip to the Amazon Rain Forest, a yachting trip in the Azores....let yourself day dream a little and have fun with it.

This exercise not only helps to open your mind, it prepares you for the time when you will be planning vacations like this.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Dynamic Transitioning is a 7-Point Program designed to help you find and use your personal, professional, and spiritual power to affect positive change and direction in your life. So many times we feel that “When this transition period is over….I’ll be fine (again).” This implies that I’m NOT fine during the transition. And yet, transitions are here to stay. Your life is full of them and will continue to be. This helplessness that comes during the transitional period depletes your personal power and wears you down. Dynamic Transitioning energizes you and provides a foundation of strength for you to stand on during the many transitions you’ll experience in your lifetime.

What does transition actually mean?

  • The dictionary defines transition: “The process or an instance of changing or passing from one form, state, subject or place to another.”
  • And the definition of dynamic: “Pertaining to energy, force or motion. Vigorous, forceful. The forces affecting motion.”
  • And finally the definition of power: “Ability, regarded as put forth or exerted; strength, force, or energy in action; as, the power of steam in moving an engine; the power of truth, or of argument, in producing conviction; the power of enthusiasm.
As old ways die we have an opportunity to create ourselves anew. Someone very wise said, “When it seems you have “lost your hold” on a situation, it may be because you are supposed to let it go so that new good can appear in your life.”

Let’s look at that for a moment. How many times have you resisted, knowingly or unknowingly, change and transition? And literally held a “death grip” on a situation – hoping to squeeze all you could out of it; or holding on, literally, for dear life. LET GO. Good cannot circulate in your life when it’s cut off in a death grip.

No destination is reached without a journey and thisprogram guides you through the journey.