Saturday, June 17, 2006

Blackbelt Coaching

Blackbelt Coaching is not coaching for the faint of heart. I will put you on a high powered program to combat the forces against you in the workplace and in your personal life. You will be accountable to a set of standards you didn't think possible.

I will stretch you to your limits. And when you're through, you will come out on top. You will no longer be bullied in the workplace. You will know what to do and you will do it. You will come out a winner, no matter what.

I will tailor the Dynamic Transitioning program to your specific situation. We'll also be using Sun Tzu, The Art of War, and The Prince which are texts I use in my UCLA class. The goal is to take a power-based approach to what's blocking you from achieving what you want.

I will only take on a handful of clients at a time because it is intensely personal and time consuming to turn things around.

You are going to make the best investment you've ever made in yourself. It won't be cheap and it won't be easy, because things didn't get this way overnight. But it can be turned around.

Email me at and we'll get started right away.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Leadership Tips for Dynamic Transitioners

A great way to uncover people's core values and goals is to use the Dynamic Transitioning technique of "Blue Sky Thinking". In the 7 point program, we use this concept to define who we are and expand our horizons of what we could be.

It also works as a leadership technique. Ask your employees questions like, "What would you do first if you were made CEO of this organization?" or "What would you do if your department's budget were tripled and you could develop any product you wanted?"

The answers to these questions can give insight into how your employees and/or peers think and where their focus lies. The questions themselves can help thinking become "un-stuck".

Here's a quote you might like from Kenneth Cole that echos what I've written above:
"In business and in life, the best solution isn't necessarily the most expensive one, but it's almost always the most creative one."