Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Career Transitions

Sociologists tell us that as life expectancy grows and retirement age is pushed out, individuals could easily have three 20 year careers in their lifetime. We're already seeing many with two 20 year careers in their lifetimes. And we know that the "lifetime" employment at the factory or firm is becoming a thing of the past. We're also seeing a "job hopping" trend among younger workers as they look for jobs that offer flexibility and quality of life.

Change is good, but it can put you off-center. One week the goal of advancement seems perfectly do able - then the doubt and fear sets in and suddenly it doesn't seem like such a good idea after all. Change is good, but if you feel like a leaf in the wind being tossed willy-nilly through life, it feels more like chaos.

I'm work with a number of people who are applying the Dynamic Transitioning program to their career. Dynamic Transitioning is about creating a foundation and operating with a clear vision of who you are and where you want to go.

I also believe people set goals too early in the process of their career transitions. This can be dangerous because if you DON'T achieve the goal, you feel like you've failed. Goal setting will become obvious whe you've prepared for it.

Point #1 Know Thyself. Your foundation begins with an accurate assessment of who you are as it relates to your career. We look at where you've been, where you are now, and where you want to go. We look at more than job titles and skills - we look at formal and informal networks and resources. We create a profile of your interpersonal history, your communication strategies, your branding. We build the Brand You.

Point # 2 Consider the Possibilities. Stretching your imagination is the next step. Many feel they are stuck. I hear this all the time. We go through a series of questions that can be very challenging and also fun at the same time. What is your ideal job? What is your ideal boss? What are your ideal co-workers. (Living or not) who would you want to have on your Board of Directors? If you were handed the title of CEO tomorrow, what are the top 10 things you would do? What is your ideal leisure activity? What would you do if you had more free time?

Point # 3 See Yourself Succeeding. The Law of Attraction comes into play here. Now that you can vision an job in an industry that works for you, you can begin sending out the mental images into the universe to attract the energy you need to make it happen. It really does seem to work like that. You see yourself in the job and lo and behold, the opportunity appears. You become ready to accept the good the job market wants to give you. You are clear about who you are and how you fit into the picture and the picture forms around you.

If we go no further than this, I promise that you that NOW your goals will be obvious because you have a foundation that you can build on. You are in a position of strength and power and will know what the next steps have to be to get where you want to go. You will have the vision and the staying power to achieve those goals.

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