Saturday, May 19, 2007

Life doesn't punish, it teaches

As you develop your mental you learn more about the Law of Attraction and use it in you will begin to realize that you still face mistakes, challenges, and setbacks. Why?

If tuning into the positive side of life, if working on developing your inner strength, if understanding how to use the new resources you've discovered has reaped wonderful benefits, why does life seem to still contain these so-called "negative" experiences?

There is no defeat, but there may be postponement. It is when you meet disappointment constructively that you break through to your greater good. This is really good news. Many of you are using The Secret and other tools, in addition to Dynamic Transitioning, to strengthen your spiritual awarness and produce results in your life. I applaud you! The Universe applauds you!

It turns out that you get practice out of challenging experiences. Sometimes these experiences offer a way to grow up and out of the rut you may have been in. You are offered the opportunity to use all the new thinking and energy you have learned from The Secret, from Dynamic Transitioning, to face and conquer challenging experiences.

In fact, you can say to those experiences, "I thank you for coming into my life. I have learned all there is to learn from this experience and I bid it farewell." Give it the light touch and literally see it vanish up into the sky. It works!

Life gives us exactly what we order mentally. That may sound unbeliveable, but it is true. If you are experiencing hard conditions right now, consciously or unconsciously, you have created the situation on another plane. Do not resent those conditions. You need to thank that condition for helping you grow and wish it well on it's way out of your life.

Know also that every lost thing can be restored or compensated for in the course of your growth. Know that you are equipped to meet every hard condition of life. Don't fight it. Ask it what you need to learn, give it the light touch, and know that you can overcome anything in life and find your better self and greater good.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Change your words, change your world

If you want to change your world, begin to change the words you speak. The spoken word is powerful and seems to form definite results by manifesting that on the invisible plane to the visible.

You are familiar with affirmations. You are "making firm" your thoughts and desires. It is important to compliment your spiritual study and reading of inspirational books by speaking forth affirmations. Reading about prosperity, spiritual advancement, love, and abundance isn't enough. It is the spoken word that brings it to you.

Why are words powerful? Looking back for centuries there seems to be an understanding about the dynamics of sound. Thins of "Om", Gregorian chants, mantras. These words stir up vibratory forces that set up in the invisible to produce results in the visible.

Words have power and you begin to attract what you give voice to. If you say, "I'd give my right arm to have the wealth he has" - you might just literally lose your right arm. If you continually say, "I'm broke", "I'm tired", "I'm depressed" it WILL become true.

You change your world by changing your words. First you must pay attention to what you are saying. Your casual words are just as powerful as the "formal" affirmations you may be using. If you casually say, "Oh, there's no way I'll get that job" you probably won't.

If you say, "Things are always getting better" - lo and behold they DO get better!

Try this for two weeks. Everyday say, "Things are getting better for me financially and my income will increase" and watch what happens. It's fun and easy. Or this, "Things are getting better for me personally and my social life will increase".

Insert whatever you want to increase and have fun with it! Know that it is absolutely true that you can change your world by changing your words.

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Monday, May 14, 2007

The Master Mind Principle

I am a big believer in using all resources at your disposal. I love The Secret and the materials available there. I also love a 100 year old resource - Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich) and his Master Mind concept. It is a marvelous idea to work with. I strongly recommend you take action if you are ever invited to join a master mind group. These concepts fit right in with Dynamic Transitioning.

"Analyze the record of any person who has accumulated great fortune, and many of those who have accumulated modest fortunes, and you will find that they have either consciously, or unconsciously employed the Master Mind principle." -- Napoleon Hill

The Master Mind™ Principle is a scientific method of focusing the power of thought for the specific purpose of establishing a direct connection with God, the Master Mind. Through the Master Mind™ Principle you combine your strength with that of at least one other person — as well as that of a Higher Power. The principle is based on an ancient premise that the combined energies of two or more like-minded persons is many, many times greater than the sum of the individual energies involved.

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