Thursday, February 09, 2006

Blue Sky Thinking

What would you do if money and time were not barriers to your dreams?

Remember as a child how you might lay out and look up at the clouds in the sky and see shapes, etc. Or just daydream. Try that now and see what comes up for you.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Consider the Possibilities

I love creative visualization techniques. If you have not done anything like this, I'm listing one of the classic books on this topic written by Shakti Gawain as a starting point for you to explore this fascinating concept.
Creative Visualitzation

What I want you to know it that you are using these techniques whether you know it or not. Surprised? Well, are you one who thinks, "I usually get a cold in the winter"; "My family lives long lives" things like that? This is a version of "Considering the Possibilities".

You are upicturing something into reality. So whether you use this technique for positive outcomes like thinking "I'm coming into large sums of money"; "I am healthy and happy"; or negative "The traffic's always bad here"; "There's never enough money" you are picturing - considering the possibilities.

Blue Sky Attitude – The art of the possible

Blue Sky Thinking is fun. It literally gives you a blank canvas and you do the rest. If you could do ANYTHING - what would it be? Who would you like to meet? What would you like to learn?

Blue sky thinking is also a practice. In business it may be about brainstorming, thinking outside of the box, etc. Companies find this useful – especially for team of engineers, project teams, new business process, etc. Teams are encouraged to think strategically and broadly – not just on today’s task. Blue sky thinking in this sense encourages creativity and innovation and asks members to embrace change. Here are 4 pillars I like to use with blue skying:

Questions -- Reframing problems to make sure you are solving the right one.

  • Metaphors -- Taking two different ideas, finding associations between them, and coming up with solutions or ideas from the exercise.
  • Visuals -- Looking at pictures that spark unexpected connections for the problem you're weighing.
  • Wishing -- Giving yourself license to wish for the impossible can sometimes create viable possibilities.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Consider the Possibilities

Lesson 2. Consider the Possibilities
The power of BLUE SKY. Do you have an open mind? Oh, really…. Consider this: the power of dreaming, stretching, and reaching. How to get definite about your possibilities. The law of attraction. The power of possibility. Is ____________ (you fill in the blank) possible? You bet! Anything and everything is possible. Fly a plane, go to the moon, cure polio, climb a mountain, change a career, get married, have a family, etc.

Everyone has at one time or another used an "inner guide" of some sort to help guide them. This involves eliciting this inner guide and strengthening the communications link such that this inner guide may provide continuing inner strength There must be an inworking before there can be an outworking. Success in life is 98% mental preparation and 2% outer action.