Friday, February 09, 2007

Expand your world through BLUE SKY thinking

Your first step in knowing yourself and realizing the life you want to live is to expand your thinking. What does that mean?

Most of us don't pay much attention to our thinking. Here's an exercise for you. Pay attention to your "inner dialog" for 24 hours. You may be surprised at how negative your thinking can be. Most of us default to worry, fear, doubt, judgement. This unccontrolled thinking then becomes manifest in your life.

It's time to take control of your inner thinking and thereby expand your horizons. How do we do this? Knowing that your words have power, begin to consciously replace negative thinking with expansive, broad thinking. Affirm the good you want in life. Affirm that you are attracted to the people you want in your life, and that they are attracted to you. Affirm that the choices you make will be good for you and those about you.

After you've spent time looking at your current thoughts and then consciously replacing them, you are ready for EXPANDED thinking. You are now ready to Consider the Possibilities - the power of BLUE SKY THINKING. Earlier in the year, I suggested you write out 100 things you want in 2007. The purpose of this exercise is to help you begin to THINK BIG. Be as definite as possible. Declare that the things you desire are present now. "I am happy. I am employed in the perfect job. I am healthy. I am with friends and family I enjoy. I am saving money. I am learning a new language. I am flying a plane, building a new house, taking a trip, getting a promotion, making a perfect presentation, having another child...."

Call on these to manifest now in your life. Align your thinking to these new, expanded ideas and know that there is a divine timing at work in your life. Your job is to do this footwork and then relax, knowing that this or better will manifest in a perfect way.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Your Achievements

Look at your achievements! Think of the points of accomplishment in your life - your first paycheck, good grades, the birth of your first child, your first home, your first recital.....these and many more are experiences that are filled with joy and are spiritually uplifting. Recognize those moments that belong to you now.

Know Thyself. Part of knowing yourself is being secure in building your self-respect and self-esteem. Dynamic Transitioners know that if you want self-esteem you must do esteemable things; if you want self-respect, you must do respectful things. As you acknowledge your accomplishements, you grow in self-respect and self-esteem. As you expand your thinking in a deep and meaningful direction, you will respect your present world more and more. And you will be inspired to uplift and inspire yourself and others.

Your past accomplishments are the prelude to your accomplishments today. Embrace accomplishments of the past, realize the full and meaningful life you already have, and set your sights to new heights and new accomplishments that uplife you and those about you.

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