Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Chemicalization Process

I am often asked to say more about the process of chemicalization. I first learned about this process from a prosperity teacher I greatly admire. This process of chemicalization, or "inner cleansing" is fascinating.

It starts with the premise that all persecution comes from within. What does that mean? It means that the thing you are most persecuted by is your own fearful thinking. The source of your persecution is none other than your own limited states of mind.

Every time you think in a bigger way, in involves a tussle with your limited beliefs of the past. My teacher says "evolve or dissolve". When you are experiencing an initiation into a bigger way of thinking, you are evolving, but you may feel your are dissolving. Growth and expansion are not always comfortable, but are necessary if we are to go forward.

As you begin to think and grow into new thinking and being, old thoughts of lack and limitation that have long been lodged in your being will rise to the surface of your conscious mind, and they will begin to actually accuse you: "Who do you think you are that you will succeed at this? Why should you make it when you've never made it before? Why should you be healthy when you know you've experienced so much illness? Expect a miracle? What nonsense! That doesn't happen to 'real' people like you". And finally, "Even if this DID happen, it would be too good to last."

THIS is true persecution. And when you notice it in your conscious mind, it is actually a milestone, grand gateway of change and transition for your journey. It signifies that your mind and your being are being cleansed of fear and limitation, and your life is being freed of problems. THIS is your miracle. You are on the brink of new thinking and believing. You are about to break the chains of persecution from within. Your period of difficulty is actually a cleansing - a chemicalization. Watch your life grow and expand as you are evolving into a free person - able to realize your greatest dreams as they resonate outward.