Thursday, March 22, 2007

Eliminating what you don't want from your life

Everyone is buzzing about the Law of Attraction, and I think that's a good thing. The Law of Attraction works. You attract what you think - both good and bad.

Another powerful law is that of Elimination. Like the body rids itself of waste, the mind and subconscious must deliberately eliminate all negative emotions. If it seems like the good you seek is not manifesting fast enough, you may have constricted the flow. You can actually hold on to something so tightly it becomes a death grip.

The remedy for this is relaxation of the will and letting go of purely personal objectives. Say to yourself, "I relax and let go". Drop the attitude of having so much to do, of being crowded and congested, of and "crazy busy". Having a full life is wonderful. But like the food we eat, without proper digestion and assimilation, your thoughts can end in mental congestion, confusion, and frustration.

Purge your mind of dead thoughts and dead relationships. Release the old to make way for the new. Place your thinking on a plane of inspiration. Praise what is good and beautiful in your life. Relax your death grip and you will fell a lightness and freedom in your whole being.