Friday, March 17, 2006

Mental Clarity

A good friend was telling me today about an experience she had with mental clarity as a result of meditation. She was about to respond to someone in anger...and explained that the anger suddenly vanished!

I am relatively new to meditation but I have had some remarkable experiences with it so far and I understand my friends experience. I have a mental clarity I can't quite explain that has been simply wonderful.

I've linked to this before, but here is the meditation I have been using. I strongly urge you to explore this and other methods and see if you can find something that works for you. (
Blue Mountain Meditation here)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Staying Healthy

Have you thought that you may not be spiritually evolved if you get sick? It's true. People feel that somehow we're not supposed to be "human" once we embark on a spiritual path.

Alas. We are human and self-forgivness is key in maintaining a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Much is said about achieving balance and I believe it is balanced to know my limitations. If I get a cold or a flu, in spite of my meditation and fitness practice, I say "Welcome to the human race".

I also enormously appreciate my health. I honor the miracle of the human body that takes care of me - my organs, my blood flowing, my lungs breathing in and out. Lately, I've been meditating on developing deeper compassion for my fellow humans as well as this deep appreciation for my health and the miracle of life. I count on this as part of my firm foundation.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Light and Laughter

We know that transitions occur in the natural rhythm of life. The seasons, the moon waxing and waning, the cycles we see in nature all around us. Sometimes there a teaching is delivered in the transition period.
In Spiritual Transitions we look for deeper meaning in the lessons life delivers. I have found that often the message I need can come from a most unusual source. I recently needed to visit a friend in a nursing rehab facility who was not doing well. I knew I needed to go to her, but somehow I resisted the visit because of MY perception of the situation. Prior to the visit, I overheard a conversation in which a woman said to her friend, "I just try to bring light and laughter to her..." That's it! That was the message I needed to take to my friend. I don't know the context of the conversation this woman was having, but it was like God's words directly to me. I love when that happens...a clear direction from a loving Universe about what to do next to solve a problem or work something out.
I visited my friend and brought happy flowers and we had a few chuckles. She's getting better and will laugh fully again. Thanks to the Universe for this simple message.