Saturday, February 09, 2008

Are You Ready?

Change and transition is in the air. We hear it in the political discourse, we're hearing it in the corporate environment, and we're hearing it in people's personal lives. What transitions are you looking at this year? Changing a job? Moving to a new location? Starting a business? Getting married? Expanding your family?

The first thing you want to do is identify the transitions you are facing. Some are internal and some are external.
Preparation is the next thing you want to thing about. Are you prepared for a successful transition? It's amazing to me how many people plan on a troublesome outcome in their transitions. Worry and fear cloud the horizon....what if it doesn't work out? What if I don't like my new boss? What kind of strain will a new baby put on our family?

Turn that around. Plan to receive good results. Prepare for the best. Try to imagine in your mind's eye a peaceful and prosperous outcome for the transition you are undertaking. See yourself succeeding in that new job, making friends in that new neighborhood, achieving your financial goals in that new business.
Preparation is necessary for results. Prepare to receive, both internally and externally, by seeing yourself as happy, content, contributing the maximum to life. Transitions don't have to knock you off your foundation. Transition to a higher place, a higher state of mind and get ready for success!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Dynamic Transitioning 2008

As I look out on the landscape of 2008 I see major transitions at every level of people's lives. On the political front, 2008 is all about transition and change. Both parties are touting change and representing their best efforts to affect that change.

It is exciting to think that a woman, an African American man, and a former POW are emerging as our choices. Each one of these people demonstrate 'dynamic transitioning' as you think about their careers. Hillary, Barack, McCain, all represent major change in the greater American consciousness as well as personal change and development.

I've had many calls over the past few weeks from friends and colleagues who are torn about their choices regarding who most represents their beliefs and values. Why? Because these transitional figures on the public stage represent many of the personal changes and transitions they are going through or have gone through. Your beliefs and values often go through an evolution over time and often those on the public stage do in fact reflect your inner journey.

I've also been in conversation with many who are going through personal transitions: A new job, a new baby, children going off to college, relocation to a new city or neighborhood...and we've talked about how the 7 points in Dynamic Transitioning can help in the process. Dynamic Transitioning looks at the fundamentals of your personal identity, vision, preparation, action, and giving back. We use the tools I've developed to transition with empowerment, rather than be a 'victim' of change.