"Something's Got To Give"

Maybe you're facing a situation that is baffling to you. Perhaps it's a work situation that involves a difficult boss or an unhappy customer. Perhaps it's something at home - your teenager is suddenly acting secretive or not being as responsible as he or she should be. Maybe it's something in your spiritual life that feels stuck - you've hit a plateau and want to go to the next level but can't seem to get there.
You say, "Something's gotta give in this situation because I'm not getting what I want out of it." This sounds right but is it?
Whenever you find yourself focusing on what you are getting you are in an upside down perspective. You must focus on what you are giving. Instead of some thing's gotta give, it should be Some one's gotta give. You need to focus on what you are giving to a situation, not what you're getting.
So that difficult boss or unhappy customer? When was the last time you came to work with the attitude that says, "I am here to be of service to my employer, my boss, and my customers today. I'm going to look for every opportunity to give a little extra in order to get the satisfaction I desire from my career." Do this and watch what happens!
That teenager? Ask how you can help that teenager. What can you do to add to your teen's life? Maybe right now it's the light touch - in other words, don't be right on top of your teen but available. Sounds hard but it isn't.
Your spiritual life? Have you given to charity lately? Have you visited your sick aunt or walked your elderly neighbor's dog or given extra to your temple or church? The spiritual axiom is that you must GIVE to RECEIVE. It is as simple as that.
So the next time you think something's got to give, ask your self what you can give and be ready for miracles to follow. Giving opens the channels of supply and you will enjoy the benefits right away.
You say, "Something's gotta give in this situation because I'm not getting what I want out of it." This sounds right but is it?
Whenever you find yourself focusing on what you are getting you are in an upside down perspective. You must focus on what you are giving. Instead of some thing's gotta give, it should be Some one's gotta give. You need to focus on what you are giving to a situation, not what you're getting.
So that difficult boss or unhappy customer? When was the last time you came to work with the attitude that says, "I am here to be of service to my employer, my boss, and my customers today. I'm going to look for every opportunity to give a little extra in order to get the satisfaction I desire from my career." Do this and watch what happens!
That teenager? Ask how you can help that teenager. What can you do to add to your teen's life? Maybe right now it's the light touch - in other words, don't be right on top of your teen but available. Sounds hard but it isn't.
Your spiritual life? Have you given to charity lately? Have you visited your sick aunt or walked your elderly neighbor's dog or given extra to your temple or church? The spiritual axiom is that you must GIVE to RECEIVE. It is as simple as that.
So the next time you think something's got to give, ask your self what you can give and be ready for miracles to follow. Giving opens the channels of supply and you will enjoy the benefits right away.