Thursday, February 02, 2006

Dynamic Transitioning

This is a love for me...sharing information with interested people. I'm working on some thoughtful, interesting material for February 2006 and will begin posting tomorrow. In the meantime, think about what goals and ambitions you've set and reached in your's good to begin Point 2 from a positive perspective.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

More Thoughts on Point 1 - KNOW THYSELF

We're on this journey in life, and by now agree that we may never truly get to KNOW THYSELF because, infact, we're constantly transitioning. This does not mean we can't become more self-aware. I believe that you cannot do good unless you feel good. When you are serene, relaxed and enthusiastic you are also more productive, creative, and dynamic. This is something that has been proved time and time again and yet we consistently get caught up in the apparent immediacy of our routine and fail to see the forest for the trees.
Take time over the next 30 days to answer these questions for YOU:
1. What have been the 5 defining moments of my life and how have they shaped me?
2. Who have been the 3 people who have influenced the way I see the world the most and what lessons have I learned from them?
3. If I could live my life over again, what new things would I do?
4. If I could only have 3 lines written on my tombstone, what would they say?
5. What 3 books have had the greatest impact on my life and why?

Until next time...

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Thoughts on Personal, Professional, Spiritual Growth

Growth from the inside out is critical and the paths are many. This month we've looked at quite a few and I hope you'll go back through the posts on Know Thyself, meditation, morality and truth, professional power. Click through the links, take advantage of the great work out there and embark on your own growth process.

Your ideas on seminars, etc. are welcome. Some have suggested a retreat and I like that thought - a chance to focus on these topics, share ideas, etc. Keep your thoughts and comments coming.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Professional Power

How many of you have participated in sales training? Most will say, “not me…I don’t sell anything – in fact, I don’t like selling at all”. Well, it turns out you’re always selling in some form or another. And, as a former professional salesperson, I’d like to suggest that selling skills are often overlooked as something to have in your toolbox.
I recently read a great book called War Paint, the story of Helena Rubinstein and Elizabeth Arden's competitive landscape as they launched their cosmetics companies in the early 20th century. Believe me, they needed sales skills to actualize their vision.
A fun site you may want to visit to explore these ideas is In fact, there’s a great quote from Helena Rubinstein on the homepage today! Enjoy.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Can you really every KNOW THYSELF?

I was talking with a friend of mine this weekend who pointed out that we can never really KNOW THYSELF. Interesting point to think about.
The DYNAMIC TRANSITIONING (TM) program begins with KNOW THYSELF as a prompt to begin paying attention to who you are, what you believe in, what your values are, what you bring to any given situation, etc. I do agree that who we are is not a fixed point in time...we are all "transitioning" every minute in one way or another. KNOW THYSELF is a starting point and a process, maybe not a destination.
Your thoughts?